Home » 3 Reasons Why Debt Funds Are Better Than FDs, Never Mind FRDI

3 Reasons Why Debt Funds Are Better Than FDs, Never Mind FRDI

3 Reasons Why Debt Funds Are Better Than FDs, Never Mind FRDI

Let’s Start learning why debt funds are better then Fds. The government’s new  FRDI law seems to be the biggest news after demonetization! People are very sensitive about money, and there is a lot of interest in saving the commission by investing in direct plans of mutual funds.  Various mutual funds apps and calculators are also in use to compare the returns. They have worked so hard for it. The new regulation has raised a lot of doubts and in this post we will cover debt funds ( direct plan mutual funds, of course) are still the right Investment products for us, over Bank Fixed Deposits, never mind the FRDI regulation.

To read more, please click on the following link :- https://jamawealth.com/blog/debt-mutual-funds-better-than-fixed-deposits